Bible Believing, Bible Preaching, People Loving.
Sunday School-10:00am
Sunday Worship-11:00am
Sunday Evening-6:00pm
Thursday Bible Study & Patch Kids Clubs-6:00pm
Meet Our Pastor:
Pastor Caleb Huling was sent out of Happy Valley Baptist Church, Villa Rica, Georgia, and started Trinity Baptist Church of Trinidad, Colorado in August of 2012. He has a burden to see Trinidad reached for Christ and see God work in the West as a whole. He and his wife Yasmin have been married since August 2008 and have 2 children. In 2018 Trinity Baptist Church merged with Bible Baptist Church to reach Trinidad for Christ, as a united body - Trinity Bible Baptist Church.
Our Doctrine
The Inspiration of the Bible.
We believe the Bible, consisting of 66 books found in the Old and New Testament is the complete revelation from God and is verbally inspired. We believe the Authorized King James Bible is God’s preserved Word.
The Person of God.
We believe God is supreme in His person, eternal in His being, absolute in His attributes, and glorious in His perfection. We believe in the Godhead.
The Person of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the virgin birth of Christ, His deity and sinless life, His vicarious death, His bodily resurrection and ascension, and in His personal, pre-tribulation, and premillennial return.
The Person of the Holy Spirit.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, and that His purpose is to convict sinners and offer salvation through the person of Jesus Christ. We believe that Christians receive the Holy Spirt at salvation, and that he indwells the believer as the means of assurance, power, and wisdom.
The Fall of Man.
We believe that man was created in the image of God and by choice fell into sin and death. Hence, every person is sinful and under condemnation to eternal judgment.
The Salvation of Sinners.
We believe that the salvation of sinners is wholly of grace, and that the death of Jesus Christ is the only way God has provided for salvation. We believe man is saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and that through this, he is reconciled to God, and made a new creature in Christ Jesus.
The Freeness of Salvation.
We believe that the blessings of salvation are made free to sinners by the gospel. We believe that the bible teaches a whosoever will salvation and nothing prevents the salvation of the greatest sinner, but the voluntary rejection of the gospel.
The Security of the Believer.
We believe that those who receive Jesus Christ as Savior are eternally secure. Our security rests on the finished work of the shed blood of Jesus Christ for our atonement.
The Church.
We believe that the local church is a congregation of baptized believers, practicing New Testament principles, believing its doctrine, observing its ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s supper and exercising its autonomy.
It is the responsibility of the local church to propagate the gospel to the entire world. Every christian should have a part in this ministry.
The Doctrine of Heaven and Hell.
We believe in the eternal blessedness of the saved in Heaven and the eternal punishment of the lost in Hell.